tisdag 3 maj 2016
tisdag 26 april 2016
Iris & Whizzy

Och grimmorna kom av bara jag såg att allt var lungt.

And the halters came of as soon as I saw that they got along.
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The car seemed more interesting than the company... |
måndag 25 april 2016
söndag 24 april 2016
Percy på kurs

Enda problemet lär ha varit att Percy plötsligt vägrade att åka hem. Hon har alltid gått rakt på transporten förutom när vi skulle hem från Strömsholm med henne och Iris men idag var det visst tvärnej till att åka hem. Vi får träna lite på det tror jag...
Percy on clinic

The only problem seems to have been that Percy refused to go home. She has been straight on the trailer except when we got home from Strömsholm with her and Iris but today she totally refused. So I guess we need to do some training at home.
lördag 23 april 2016
Whizzy påväg!

Whizzy on her way
This evening Whizzy entered the truck to Sweden as a pro. So, she is on her way!fredag 22 april 2016
Hektisk vecka
Så var det dags för avmaskning; prover inskickade till analys visade att det behövdes. Så nu har de fått maskmedel.
Hovslagaren har även varit förbi liksom kiropraktorn och veterinären. Calinka och Pepper hade båda låsningar. Förhoppningsvis kan det förklara varför Calinka gick omkull så abrupt med mig härom veckan och varför Pepper inte riktigt svarat på träningen som vi önskat.
Puh, veckan är inte ens slut än och det kommer mera... Men motion, nja det har det inte blivit så mycket av, bara Percy har jobbats ordentligt; både Frida och Maria har haft tid.
The farrier also passed by as well as the vet and chiropractor. Calinka and Pepper both got things that needed correction. Hopefully that explain why CAlinka fell to the groun dwith me last week and why Pepper hasn't been answering as expected on the training.
Woo, the week isn't over yet and there will be more.... But there hasn't been that much work out for the horses - except Percy. Both Maria and Frida have had time.

Puh, veckan är inte ens slut än och det kommer mera... Men motion, nja det har det inte blivit så mycket av, bara Percy har jobbats ordentligt; både Frida och Maria har haft tid.
A full week
So it was time for de-worming. I sent in analyses that came back and showed that it was needed. So everyone got ther dose of de-wormer.The farrier also passed by as well as the vet and chiropractor. Calinka and Pepper both got things that needed correction. Hopefully that explain why CAlinka fell to the groun dwith me last week and why Pepper hasn't been answering as expected on the training.
Woo, the week isn't over yet and there will be more.... But there hasn't been that much work out for the horses - except Percy. Both Maria and Frida have had time.
söndag 17 april 2016
Percy & Iris leker

As my foot isn't well Iris and Percy got to exercise in the pasture. First they only wanted to graze but then they got a lot of energy...
onsdag 13 april 2016
Tea såld

Och eftersom de är en så bra matchning så fick jag lov till att släppa Tea och ändra mina planer lite. Jag tror Tea hittat ett bättre hem än mitt och varför skulle jag förneka henne det? Nu blir hon mattes ögonsten och kommer få så mycket uppmärksamhet. Det kan hon aldrig få hos mig eftersom jag har ett antal hästar. Det finns inte tid och möjlighet att låta henne blomma ut så som hon kommer att kunna göra hos Sylvia.

Tea is sold
Now is Tea sold. The mare that I hoped would be a future broodmare even before she was born. My first rocky foal. But sometimes things change and they did this time. Tea wasn't for sale but Sylvia needed to borrow her for a weekend and that turned into a week and then it became more weeks...As they are such a good match I had to change my plans. I think Tea got a better home than my and why would I refuse her that? Now she becomes the apple of the eye of her owner and gets a lot of attention. She can never get that at my place as I have more horses. There is not time to let her flowerish that much as she will do at Sylvia's.
It doesn't mean that I think my horses don't have a good life at my place; I think they have. They have big spaces to move around within the herd and I let them try this and that. But even if I love them dearly I can't give them as much as if I had only one horse. Of course it is also up to the horse what it like and I know Tea loves to be the center of attention. So I let her go.
söndag 3 april 2016
Inte mycket ridtid
Den här veckan har det inte blivit mycket ridtid. Fast det visste jag redan innan så jag erbjöd Maria och Frida att rida mera om de ville. Det ville de så hästarna är ändå välmotionerade.

Not much time in the saddle
It hasn't been much time on horseback this week. But, I know it already before it started so I offered Maria and Frida to ride more if they wanted. (And they did so the horses got to work well anyway).
Today I got nearly one and a half hour bareback at Calinka with Mika by our side. In the warm spring weather it was a nice compensation for lost time during the week. And now I got some more boring things that needed to be done fixed, and that is also good. Hopefully I get more ride time next week even if I already know that it want be next weekend. Then I have to bring the kids with me and taht makes it hard to ride.
torsdag 31 mars 2016
måndag 28 mars 2016
Percy jobbar

Percy at work
lördag 26 mars 2016
Iris på äventyr
Nu när det inte är så många hästar hemma får Iris mera tid. Hon får följa med lite hit och dit och prova nya saker. Se på pappa när han tränar dressyr, gå över pressning, gå upp på pallen, titta på stora blåa bollen, början till tömkörning... Det gäller att passa på, plötsligt är det fullt upp med saker igen.
Iris on adventures
Now when there is less horse at home Iris get more time. She get to do a lot of new things, trying this and that. Look at dad when he does dressage, walk over the tarp, loom at the big blue ball, the start of long reining... Better to start working, you'll never know when time get sparse again.fredag 25 mars 2016
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