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The free walking farm goat in USA. |
Pepper är tillgänglig för avel med trevliga och friska ston av alla raser.
2015 är priserna som följande:
Bokningsavgift: 1000 kr
Konstaterad dräktighet vid 16-20 dygn: 2000 kr
Levande föl: 4000kr
Stoavgift från 50 kr/dygn.
Allt inklusive moms.
Pepper är godkänd enligt rasvisa krav i USA, har språngrulla från Svenska Hästavelsförbundet. Han är CEM testad och gentestad för PSSM (som han inte har).
Black Pepper är född 2006, svart konstantskimmel och 159 cm hög. Pappa heter Buck och mamma Hope Springs Chilitepin.
Han är uppfödd av Rea Swan, en av de största eldsjälarna inom rasen och den som på många sätt är ansvarig för att rasen bevarats. I december 2011 kom han till Sverige.
Länk till inlägg på bloggen om vilka ston som kan passa Pepper.
Pepper's Lady Kate, silver black filly out of Count On Me V.B.F.
Little Bit Of Honey, bay, out of Snowy's Little Honey
Milky Way, black colt out of Henson's Eclipse
Ullekalvs Embla, silver black filly, out of RPM's Silver Persuasion

Ullekalvs Esmerée, silver black filly out of MVR's Bunny
Ullekalvs Giocondo, silver black colt out of MVR'S Bunny
Ullekalvs Iris Fortunata, buckskin filly out of RPM's SIlver Persuasion
Pictures of Peppers offspring in USA
- RMHA World Pink Ride 2014
- Breed Demo at Ånestad showjumping competition 2015
- Breed Demo at Östgötahäst 2015
- RMHA World Pink Ride 2015
My first impression was, well, maybe, ok, I can try him... I just didn't see the "WOW" factor. Then we brought him in and he behaved very well. And then I got on his back... Even if he had only been in the pasture for more than a month there was no problems. From the first moment in the saddle I knew he was my horse, he reminded me of the first horse I broke and one of the most amazing horses I have ever ridden. Pepper felt green - but that is not a problem to me. At least I smiled during all of the test ride. And when I got of him he came up and sniffed my cheek, like if he was saying - WHO is this person - she seems interesting...
After arriving in Sweden he got a little unlucky - I hardly ever got time to work him correctly as there were so many things happening all the time. In 2014 I understood that I might never get the requierd to and let a friend start to work him. He is doing fine and learns very quickly. In 2014 he tried cross-country and show jumping as well as some more gaiting training.
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First time bareback and first time with someone skiing behind. |
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First try at cross-country. |