Jag är så nöjd med mina hästar, alla tre. Så underbart att jobba med en häst som direkt förstår vad man vill (Pepper vid första longeringen), som har så lätt för mycket. Pepper har redan lättare för galopp än Calinka trots att vi tränat och tränat i åratal. Calinka som nu nästa varje dag kommer fram till grinden och bara väntar på uppmärksamhet. Som är så lätt riden trots att hon inte har de bästa förutsättningar. Och Percy, hon hänger med Calinka vid grinden och blir hon osäker skulle hon helst sätta sig i mitt knä, hennes trygghet är hos människan. Igår kom hon tillbaka till grinden efter att Calinka hade gått och de fått sitt kraftfoder. Bara för att hon ville bli klappad. Hur snuvig jag än är kan jag inte låta bli att uppskatta detta. Tre hästar - olika och lika. Tre olika nivåer av utbildning, tre olika planer för året. Vilken tur att de alla hamnade just hos mig!
I am so happy with my horses - all three of them. So wonderful to work with a horses that easily gets what I want (Peppers first longing session), that easily performs a lot of things. Pepper already has a better canter than Calinka that has had years and years of training. Calinka that nearly everyday stands by the gait, waiting for attention. That is so easy to ride, even if she doesn't have the best qualifications. And Percy, she just stand together with Calinka at the gait and if insecure she would like to sit in my lap, her safe place is with humans. Yesterday she got back to the gait after they had gotten their grain, and Calinka had left. Guess she just wanted attention. It doesn't mater how sick I am, I really appreciate that. Three horses, similarities and differences. Three levels of education, three different plans for the year. How lucky I am that they all happened to get into my stable!
I am so happy with my horses - all three of them. So wonderful to work with a horses that easily gets what I want (Peppers first longing session), that easily performs a lot of things. Pepper already has a better canter than Calinka that has had years and years of training. Calinka that nearly everyday stands by the gait, waiting for attention. That is so easy to ride, even if she doesn't have the best qualifications. And Percy, she just stand together with Calinka at the gait and if insecure she would like to sit in my lap, her safe place is with humans. Yesterday she got back to the gait after they had gotten their grain, and Calinka had left. Guess she just wanted attention. It doesn't mater how sick I am, I really appreciate that. Three horses, similarities and differences. Three levels of education, three different plans for the year. How lucky I am that they all happened to get into my stable!
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