Väl hemma och vad jag trodde klar kom Henrik och ville köra iväg ett bar dåliga hösilagebalar samt städa planen vid lösdriften. Jag kan ha tagit i för mycket, men det blev fint - särskilt när traktorn skyfflade bort gammlat hösilage på planen. Att mitt bäcken inte varit helt nöjt idag var bara förväntat. Tur att Maria tog hästarna idag.
A wonderful evening
Yesterday felt like summer. Finally feeling ok I took Pepper for a long rein walk - the longest ofr some time (30-40 minutes). Pepper said that he totally had forgotten everything I had taught him about shoulder in, haunches in, gait etc, but his memory came back after a while. Anyway, he was chewing happily at his bit, enjoying the moment.
Back home and thinks that I was done, Henrik arrived and wanted my help with old feed rolls and cleaning of the area in front of the stable. I might have worked to hard, but it looks very nice, especially after the tractor got rid of a lot of old hay from the ground. That my pelvis wasn't totally happy today might not really come as a surprise. Luckily Maria cared for the horses today.
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