Midsommarafton och jag hade möjlighet att bara vara i stalllet. Hästarna fick stå inne medan jag borstade allihopa, masserade Calinka och ledtränade Tea några steg. Hon verkar redan förstå vad det går ut på trots att vi bara gått runt i boxen ett eller ett par varv tre gånger. Så duktig!
Percy är lite vaktande om Embla - kanske mest mot de andra hästarna och särskilt Pepper. Tea däremot har börjat leka med Pepper lite. Embla verkar nyfiken på de andra - men Percy gillar det inte...
Midsummer and I
had a chance to just spend some time in the stable. The horses got to
stay inside while I brushed all of them, massage Calinka and did some
lead training with Tea. She already seems to start to understand what I
want even if it is only the third time and we just had walk a few steps
in the stall each time each time. Good girl!
The biting game... |
is a bit protective about Embla - maybe most against the other horses
and especially Pepper. Tea on the other hand has started to play a bit
with Pepper. Embla is curious about those other horses - but mom don't
want her to check them out...
...but when he bites back it wasn't as fun so Tea came visit me instead... |
Feet are so interesting... |
Apperently even when you get older (Pepper) |
At some point Bunny thought Pepper did something wrong and she had to tell him to behave... |
And they had to play the teeth game a little more... |
Pepper got a braid as he was warm under his mane - see if that helps. |
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