Percy och jag skulle ta en av våra vanliga vändor men kom inte en kilometer innan vi mötte två stora traktorer som med jättevagnar som tog hem hö. Vägen är en "asfalts"väg, men utan mittlinje även om man kan mötas. Percy skötte sig väl, men de fick stå still för att vi skulle kunna passera. Vi kom inte så långt innan nästa trakotr med hölass kom, men denna gång hann vi gå av vägen och ut på en vall. Tydligen höll de på att köra fram och tillbakak med traktor och vagn och jag misstänkte ett gärde längre bort. Vi kom en bit utan flera möten, men så precis innan fältet kom en ny omgång. Självklart hade vi inte heller denna gång plats att gå av vägen.
När vi så äntligen kommit av vägen och in på skogsvägarna av våran tur trodde jag att det var nog. Vi travade, töltade (och gjorde massor med andra gångarter däremellan) och så plötsligt dök en likadan traktor med släp upp! På den lilla skogsvägen. Tydligen fanns ett av fälten där. På fältet körde nämligen maskinen som samlade upp höet i vagnarna som traktorerna körde hem. Ok, traktorn backade ut mot fältet igen och vi passerade lätt.
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When we had a little rest from all big machines... |
Tur att Percy skötte sig så bra!
I never think that I have meet that many big vehicles, so close and at the same trail ride during my years at horseback. Normally it is rather little traffic around the stable.
Percy and I should take one of our usual trail rides but hadn't got a kilometer before we meet two huge tractors, one with a huge wagon after, filled with hay and the other with a huge thing to turn the hay around at the field. The road is about as big as two cars can meet ok. Percy behaved well, but they had to stop so we could pass as we didn't have any way to go outside the road. We didn't get long before we meet with another tractor and wagon with hay but this time we were lucky and could get of the road a field. Apparently they were "harvesting" hay from a field and I remembered that I had seen a newly cut field on my way to the stable (the road we were walking at). Right before we got to the field we meet with another tractor and wagon full of hay. No possability to get of the road this time either.
Finally on our road into the forest and I thought we were safe. We gaited, trotted (and some things in between) and suddenly we meet a new big tractor with a wagon full of hay! On the small road in the forrest. Apparently the field was there in the forest, not the one I had seen. Luckily the tractor could back a little bit back to the field so we could pass.
So, we started up again, getting some speed. Then there was a truck fully loaded with timber from the forest. Luckily it stopped and we could get up in the forest and pass it - the road was to narrow to pas even with a horse. Along the road they were cutting down treea so a bit further we saw one of those big machines that does that.. But , we didn't have to meet it up close and on our way home we only saw one of those tractors with a wagon at a distance. But 5 big tractors with wagons and one trailer as well as two other big machines close to the road.It is (luckily) going to take a long time before we meet that many again!
And Percy did great!
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