Sa jag att detta var sent på kvällen så jag lyste våran väg med pannlampan. Dessutom blåste det inte helt omärkbart.
Tea works on
Tea gets better and better. We don't work a lot but she does well when we do. Recently I saddled her up for the first time and then we took a walk. She didn't care at all. On the way back I got in the saddle and rode home. Unfortunately I had forgotten to shift the length of the stirrup leathers form my co-rider that is much shorter so I felt like a jockey. As Tea wanted to trot I let her. She has been a little hard to get to sped up with a rider so if she wanted to. Nearly home I asked her a little more forward when it got slightly downhill. She speed up and nearly took a few strides in gait. Good girl! Did I tell that this was late in the evening so it was all dark - only my headlamp to guide us and the wind that was blowing.
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