Igår red jag Percy - hon är helt underbar. varje gång överraskar hon mig. Om jag inte tänker på att jag rider en outbildad unghäst svarar hon lätt på sätet, saktar av så lätt. Att hon sedan tycker att jag är tråkig när jag mer henne att svänga i något visst fall och då tar tygeln i munnen är en annan sak. Hon är ju sto med egen vilja!
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Managed to catch a couple of pictures of Pepper. |
Det känns verkligen som det stod i annonsen för Percy - "pretties little filly around".
Pepper skulle ha jobbat, men fick springa i hagen istället. Synd bara att vi inte hade med en kamera som hann fånga honom, så tjusig var han. Anledningen till att han så motiverat sprang omkring var att två valacker hade ankommit. Det ska bli riddarspel till helgen och valackerna ska uppträda. De går en bra bit bort, men Pepper ser dem från sin hage. men, inget skrik eller oväsen förde han och Calinka talade om för valackerna, från sin sida staketet, att de inte var vatten värda. Hon såg även till att valla Percy därifrån med öronen slickade bakåt.
Yesterday I rode Percy - she i lovely, surprising me every time. If I don't think about her being a uneducated youngster she responds easily for my seat, easily slowing down. That she then now and then things that I am boring when I ask her to turn and then grabs the rein in her mouth is another thing. She is a filly with her own ideas!
I planned to work Pepper, but we played in the field instead. Sadly I didn't bring the camera that had been better to caught all his play. The reason for him playing that much as to geldings that had arrive earlier. It is going to be a tournament this weekend where my horses are stabled and those horses are going to be a part of that show. They have there own pasture a bit away from Pepper's but side by side to the mares. Calinka told them they wasn't even worth the ground they stood on and protected Percy by driving her away as if Calinka was a stallion, neck lowered and ears pinned back. Pepper on the other side didn't say a word - just looking and running a bit more than usual.

Yesterday she gaits nicely - and did all other possible gaits as well. We got a short piece of trot when I posted, she cantered when I just thought about it (how did she knew that - she doesn't even know the aids for canter yet!) She got something resembling foxtrot when the tolt/gait became to fast and once she paced, or most likely step paced. When we started to work on circles as a certification preparation she got into a flat or running walk. There is a lot of gears! I am for sure not the worlds best gaited horse trainer and I am sure there is faster ways to get her ready for certification - but it is so fun to learn more. And this horse has so many possibilities, I get inspired to learn about all her gears. Luckily maria and Calinka joined us so confirm visually what I thought I felt in the saddle.
It really feels as Percy's add said "pretties little filly around".
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