Nu är julmarknad på Ekenäs så det har inte blivit så mycket jobb - men miljöträning. Pepper tyckte det var lite otäckt att tömköras nära, Bunny hoppade till oväntat mycket när vi passerade området och en dörr slog igen. Calinka glömde att sura vid dressyrjobbet då hon fokuserade på omgivningen... Annars är de lugna, men jag märker hur de reagerar på saker de inte skulle göra det för om omgivningen inte var så full med folk och nya saker.

Time is passing by, with a typical November weather. Muddy horses and muddy pastures and as it is so grey photos don't get inspiring. And the horses only stand close to the food anyway. November isn't my favorite month... Anyway, Calinka has been worked rather regular, even as a novice mount. Bunny got a scratch, probably from the girth and have been worked bareback. Percy seemed to be better while long rein as well as Pepper so now both of them get some of that kind of work.
It is a Christmas market at the stable now so I can't work the horses a lot - but a great opportunity for environment training. Pepper found it a little scary to be long reined close to the event, Bunny jumped away unexpectedly when a car door was slammed (but only a few steps) an Calinka forgot to tell how horrible dressage is before she has warmed up... Apart from that they are calm, but those details makes it clear that they are a little bit tense even if not showing it otherwise.
Tea also got on a walk in the area - the first one outside the pasture without horse company. She followed on a slack lead!
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