Dessutom har Maria behövt ta en liten paus från hästarna, min man var bortrest förra helgen och Nanette med familj bara hunnit med en dag i veckan vilket gjort att motion av hästarna blivit lidande. Hur kommer det sig att det ALLTID är så att det blir förhinder för alla samtidigt?
Nåja, i fredags hann de ta ut några hästar och i går hann jag med att rida ut på Bunny och Percy och Maria fotade Pepper. Idag blev det uteritt på Calinka och möte med en ny medryttare till Pepper. Så, snart hoppas jag att vi är i fas igen!
Less time with the horses
Lately the time in the stable have been minimized ; I have started to work halftime and in the beginning I work half days. That mean that I have to go to the stable with two kids every time and one of them don't want to go.With the snow that makes it hard to do anything than feed and fill up the water.It is soon going to be better when I only work 2-3 day every week, but full days instead...
Maria has needed a rest from the horses, my husband was away with work last weekend and Nanette and family have only been able to pass by once every week. Therefore the work of the horses have been sparse. Why is it ALWAYS that everybody get hinders at the same time?
Anyway, at Friday Nanette and her family got to work some of the horses. Yesterday I got to work Bunny and Percy and Maria took photos of Pepper. Today I rail rode Calinka shortly and introduced a new rider to Pepper. I hope we soon get back in shape!
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