Först fick hon leka själv inne i boxen med presenningen, sedan gick vi ut. Hon gick över den, men det var lite otäckt när jag lyfte upp den. Som en äkta Rocky sökte hon gärna stöd hos mig istället för att springa sin väg. Efter en stund kunde jag lägga presenningen på henne, vi gjorde om det flera gånger då det var lite otäckt när den kom långt ner på bakbenen. Tillbaka till stallet drog jag presenningen bredvid oss - även in i den trånga stallgången. Tea gick bredvid. Totaltid? 15 minuter kanske?

Why I love Rockies!
So, I got an idea, why not train Tea with that piece of tarp in the stable? And as it was the first time I wanted to document that... I can tell it is not easy to film and work a horse at the same time. I actually had to focus on working her some time, but I got some pieces that I could get into a short movie.
First Tea got to play with the tarp in the stall by herself while I cared for one of the other horses. Then we went outside. She walked over it and soon I could pet her with it and put it on her back. We repeated that as she found it a bit scary while around her hind-legs. Heading back for the barn I dragged the tarp with me, Tea walking beside it, even in the stable. Total time? About 15 minutes.
And this is one of the big reasons I love Rockies - to be able to work a young horse like this!
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