Idag tog jag en promenad. Solen sken och började smälta bort snön som föll igår. David somande snabbt i vagnen, Mika hängde med och Pepper märktes knappt i grimskaftet. Det var så avslappnande och jag bara kände hur lycklig jag var.

Today I took a walk. The sun was shining and started to melt the snow that came yesterday. David quickly fell asleep in the stroller, Mika followed and I hardly noticed Pepper in the lead rope. So relaxing and I just felt how happy I were.
Those short pauses, short moments in the ordinary day that becomes relaxation and presence. They give me a chance to just be and let all worries and "have too" let go for a moment. A way to get energy to keep going! And a way to remember how wonderful life is!
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