Veckan rullar på ungefär som vanligt. Jag red dressyr på en mycket stel Calinka men sedan tog jag ut Tea på en promenad. Jag gillar verkligen att promenera med mina hästar, även om det nästan alltid beror på att något hindrat mig från att rida. Idag var återigen en rolig promenad dag.
Att Tea har ett hingstgrimskaf beror enbart på att det är det grimskaft med mest rätt längd för promenad med henne - lite längre än standardgrimskaften men kortare än mina långa grimskaft...
Tea on a walk
The week continues as usually. Today I did dressage with a very stiff Calinka and then I brought Tea for a walk. I really like to be out walking with my horses, even if most times I do that because something has stopped me from riding. Today was one more fun day of walking.
We found some water...Tea easily follows me over it. |
That Tea has a stud chain is only as that has perfect length to walk with her - a little longer than my usual lead-rope, but not as long as my long ones.
OK, this was hard to get a good photo of, Tea does as her mother - walk where she wants. She is about a meter below me, walking back and fourth to me while trying to grab some grass... She is going to be "a tractor", just like her mum - she goes everywhere. |
More water and David looking at us when I tried to get Tea to look at the water... |
Ok, I might put my nose in it... |
The lake that we explored. |
My little helper that wanted to lead Tea... (I had a firm hand on the rope closer to the horse, but David was happy to help) |
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