Pepper och Percy jobbade duktigt i mörkret med tömkörning i måndags. Percy gick bättre än på länge och man såg att hon "gav efter" några gånger. Kul!
Sedan har det blivit lite promenad med Isac och Calinka, mörk uteritt med Calinka, dressyr med stel Pepper och ännu mer tömkörning med Percy.
Cleaning up
This weekend the place got a good cleaning. Once a year the shed gets mocked out and now was the time. It is a good time to do now as he summer heat gets it to sink together better. I also got half of this years hay ratio delivered. The horses got to start on it but don't seem very interested. Now I only have to look into what they need for compliments: protein, minerals and vitamins.
I also got to work Pepper and Percy in the dark - long reining. They behaved well and even if Percy looked a little stiff she tried well. Nice!
After that there has been walking with Calinka and Isac, a trail ride in the darkness with Calinka, dressage with Pepper and some more long reining with Percy.
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