Eller egentligen påbörjades den för länge sedan genom hantering, promenader, tömkörning.... I alla fall, det nya är att jag satt på henne igår! Percy och Bunny fick göra lite hinder i hagen och så skulle jag leda Tea och Mira tänkte jag. Jag har tränat Tea vid uppsittningspallen ett par gånger, hon står stilla och jag låter benet glida över ryggen. Denna gång förde jag över hela min kroppsvikt och så satt jag där på henne. Och red iväg ut i hagen. Över den smala vattenmattan, vidare över presenningen och upp förbi paraplyet för att sedan gå till stallet igen. Barbacka, bettlöst. 2-3 minuter totalt kanske. Så duktig tjej! Hon reagerade aningen när min hjälm kom emot grenar i ett träd men var annars helt cool. Nu fortsätter vi med det här ibland framöver. Max fem minuter varannan vecka.

( Men, jag kan inte rekommendera att sitta upp på en unghäst för första gången själv, i mörkret i en hagen med stenar och träd barbacka och bettlöst. Men har man en cool Rocky som man känner väl kan det bevisligen gå bra. Jag skulle aldrig gjort det om jag hade tvekat och hade något hänt hade jag bara försökt glida av Tea så fort jag bara kunnat. Säkerhet är viktig! )
Tea's transformation to riding horse has begun
Or it was started long time ago with handling her, walks, ponying her, ground driving... Anyway, the new thing is that I sat on her back yesterday! Percy and Bunny got to do some obstacles in the pasture and then I planned to lead Tea and Mira threw it as well. But, I have worked Tea close to the mounting block a couple of times so I parked her there and let my leg slide over her back. Only that this time I transferred all my weight so that I was sitting on her. We walked away out in the pasture, over the water mat and the tarp, walking up to the umbrella and then back to the stable. Bareback and bittless. 2-3 minutes in total maybe. Such a good girl! She only reacted a little when my helmet got in contact with a branch from a tree and made some noise. Now we are going to continue with this. About five minutes every second week maybe.
It might sound strange, but I don't like to start horses very young; I think ti seems as many people ride there young ones to much and too early. I got my eyes on the problems that can happen by starting to young many years ago from Deb Bennet, especially this article. There are other reports that says that to strengthen the horse it is good to start young. To me that isn't a contradiction - to get strength you don't need to ride the horse - to drive them or pony them is only two other possibilities. Still, you need to think more about how to work the young horse and when so you don't do too much harm. But to me there is a huge difference if I spend a few minutes on Teas back or if I start to work her for 30 minutes and ask her of new and for her complex things. Now it was a familiar environment and familiar exercises. To me that is more like a part in the environmental training, like being long reined, pass obstacles, be ponied etc. To me that only gives her a long and slow start of her life as a riding horse.
(But I can't recommend to get on your youngster by yourself for the first ride. Especially not in the dark, in a pasture with stones and trees bareback and bit less. But, with a cool Rocky it can work out fine.Still, I should never have done it if I had any doubts about that it should go well. And if something hadn't felt 100% I would have slide of her back as fast as possible.
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