Maggan hjälpte mig när jag red Percy för första gången. Hon reagerade knappt inte, det var bara svårt att få henne att gå iväg från Maggan, och styrningen var inte perfekt...Men för en först ridtur skötte hon sig perfekt.
Jag red Pepper också - han var pigg som bara den. Trodde att det bästa vara att låta honom gå på lite, men antagligen triggade det upp honom. Tyvärr gjorde han ett hopp för mycket och jag damp i backen. Funderar fortfarande på varför jag inte klarade av det - det var inget särskilt egentligen. Pepper tog full kareta tillbaka till stallet där Maggan fångade in honom. Jag satt upp igen och nu var han mycket lugnare. Ny tur och nu höll vi oss i skritt. Funderar på hur jag ska kunna rasta av honom när han inte vill springa ordetligt i hagen och jag inte har någon annan bra möjlighet att släppa honom. Herrn behöver JOBBA. Skönt i alla fall att känna att det är det som var problemet. Nu ska det bara lösas :-)
Efter alltihop övertalade jag stona att springa lite. Inte särskilt svårt. Det är
fler som har energi!
Efter alltihop övertalade jag stona att springa lite. Inte särskilt svårt. Det är
Maggan helped me when I rode Percy for the first time.Percy hardly reacted at all, we just had some trouble to get her to walk away from Maggan - and still there is a little hard to get her in the right direction. But according to what she know she did great!
I rode Pepper as well. He had a lot of energy. I thought the best would be to not care to much about him gaiting slowly, trying to canter etc but just continue forward. Probably that made him worse. He jumped around once to much and I fell of. (Still don't know why as it wasn't that bad, guess I just got out of balance.) Pepepr headed back to the stable in full speed where Maggan found him and brought him indoors until I came back. I headed of again and this time he was much calmer. I just wonder how to get the energy out of him before I ride him as he don't play in his pasture. And I don't have any other possibility where I can let him run free.I guess I know the problem - now I just need a solution... He needs to WORK.
After that the mare got a little encouragement to run a bit. They really enjoyed that!
I rode Pepper as well. He had a lot of energy. I thought the best would be to not care to much about him gaiting slowly, trying to canter etc but just continue forward. Probably that made him worse. He jumped around once to much and I fell of. (Still don't know why as it wasn't that bad, guess I just got out of balance.) Pepepr headed back to the stable in full speed where Maggan found him and brought him indoors until I came back. I headed of again and this time he was much calmer. I just wonder how to get the energy out of him before I ride him as he don't play in his pasture. And I don't have any other possibility where I can let him run free.I guess I know the problem - now I just need a solution... He needs to WORK.
After that the mare got a little encouragement to run a bit. They really enjoyed that!
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