Percy fick gå några varv på ridbanan - alldels onödigt - varför gå runt runt liksom? Nåja, det blev som jag ville, men hon har lite att lära. Start och stopp blev det och så fick vi sätta lite fart så det inte skulle bli så långtråkigt. Då la hon en kort galopp...Vi provade även tölt och fick en hel massa gångarter. Dessutom lyckades en motorsåg eller liknande startas i närheten, men det gick bra. På vägen från ridbanan gick vi runt husen och då vart det nästan lite otäckt. Särskilt när en stor fyrhjuling med släp kom körande i bra fart och passerade oss (som tur var i mycket lägre tempo...)
Pepper var väldigt social och verkade lite besviken över att han inte fick komma ut. Jag bad honom om lite fart i hagen i stället och försökte fota.
Övriga familjen fick (med lite hjälp av en kompis) äntligen upp boxdörrarna under tiden jag jobbade hästarna. Nu ska de bara målas!
Calinka got nearly an hours work - going around a small lake (picture from when she just had returned). Just sad that it is so much small stones on the road. She was in heat and that was noticeable as we headed of. She didn't want to go, and she even thought about stopping at a stable that we passed. Another hobby of hers right now is to stand close to the fence and look into the stallion pasture...
I worked Percy some laps in the arena and she thought that was just unnecessary. Why turn around, walking the same distance over and over again? Well, we got some start and stop training and to not bore her too much I asked for some speed. Then she cantered slowly a bit. We tried some gait as well and I think we got very many different gaits. Someone managed to start a grass trimmer or something behind the nearest building, but Percy took it fine. It was a little bit worse when I asked her to walk around all building, heading back for the stable as we meet a four wheel driven something with a semitrailer that came up rather quick. Luckily they slowed down when they passed us.
Pepper was very social and seemed a bit disappointed that he wasn't worked as well. I asked him for some speed in the pasture instead and tried to make some photos.
The rest of the family finished the stall doors (with some help of a friend) while I worked the horses. Now they just need some paint!
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