Bara jag kom in hagen kände jag att stämningen hade ändrats. Kanske var det för att Percy inte tvunget måste stå mellan Calinka och Pepper, kanske var det något annat. Calinka fick stå inne medan jag målade lite så att Pepper och Percy skulle få lite ensam tid. De sprang inte alls lika mycket som under gårdagen och Pepper fick nästan betäcka – men Percy sprang sin väg eller kickade så fort han försökte hoppa upp. Däremot är hon återigen dränkt i brunstkiss. Till och med jag stank när jag kom hem. Inte hjälpte det att hon blivit tvättad dagen innan – hon var lika smutsig igen. Antingen är Percy ännu mer på väg in i brunst eller så hade gårdagens jakt någon form av effekt – eller både och. Men, Calinka fick ännu inte betäckas utan jag fick plocka in Percy och borsta henne en stund. Bra träning för henne att vara inne och stå lite själv i stallet.
I was a different feeling as soon as I entered the pasture. Maybe because Percy tolerated that Calinka was closer to Pepper than she was, maybe it was something else. I put Calinka indoors for a while while I painted (again) so Percy and Pepper could get some time of there own. They didn’t run at all as much as the previous day and Pepper was nearly allowed to cover her. But in the last moment Percy took of or kicked. Percy, on the other hand was once more coverd in pee. Even I had the smell on me when I got home and had to go straight to the shower. Maybe yesterdasy hunt did something to therie relationship, or Percy is getting even more in heat – or both. Still, Percy don't allow Calinka to be covered so I had to get Percy indoors for a while. Very good training for her to be alone in the stable every now and then.
I was a different feeling as soon as I entered the pasture. Maybe because Percy tolerated that Calinka was closer to Pepper than she was, maybe it was something else. I put Calinka indoors for a while while I painted (again) so Percy and Pepper could get some time of there own. They didn’t run at all as much as the previous day and Pepper was nearly allowed to cover her. But in the last moment Percy took of or kicked. Percy, on the other hand was once more coverd in pee. Even I had the smell on me when I got home and had to go straight to the shower. Maybe yesterdasy hunt did something to therie relationship, or Percy is getting even more in heat – or both. Still, Percy don't allow Calinka to be covered so I had to get Percy indoors for a while. Very good training for her to be alone in the stable every now and then.
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