Pepper var hungrig så jag lät honom gå lös utanför stallet (det är som en mini-hage där) medan han åt. Sadel och flugtäcke på och så gav vi oss iväg. Precis då började det dugga. Men det gjorde inte så mycket, mindre flygfän och med livemusik - denna gång kvinnoröst och piano i bakgrunden fanns inte mycket att klaga på.
Pepper travade på och innan vi vände fick jag honom att fatta galopp, tre gånger, på skänkel hjälp. Första gången och jag tror han förstod (om han kommer ihåg är nästa fråga). På hemväg öppnade sig himlen. Jag hade precis sett de mörka molnen och så var det över oss. Jag tyckte att vi kunde lägga lite tempo hem - Pepper tycket att vi kunde stanna och vänta ut regnet... Hem kom vi, men jag var genomblöt - förutom under skyddsvästen. Den fungerar tydligen som regnjacka också! Förutom regnet en härlig tur och Pepper kändes nöjd och harmonisk men något ömfotad på gruset.
Pepper was hungry so I let him graze free outside the stable (it is like a mini-pasture there). I put the tack and the fly sheet on and then we headed of. Then it started to drop, smal, drops of water. It wasn't so bad, less mosquitoes and with live music in the background - this time a woman and piano I couldn't really complain.
Pepper trotted and I even got canter three times on my aid request. I think he got it (if he remebers it next time is another thing). On the way home someone opened the shower. I had seen the dark sky and suddenly it was all over us. I thought that we could get home with some speed - Pepper thought that we could stay and let the rain pass... We got home, but I was dripping wet - except under my safety equipment - apperntly it works fine as raincoat. Except the rain we had a good ride and Pepper feelt very content, and a bit tender in the feet on the road.
It feelt unnecessary to bring Calinka in - she don't want to move while it rains, but I did it any way. I brushed her a bit (or the part that wasn't soaking wet) and did the same with Percy. And then the rain had stopped so Calinka got her dressage training. The time run by so Percy got some obstacle introduction - and lounging over poles. My feet had apperently not been tottaly wet - but the became that while longing in the pasture.Percy didn't really get what I wanted - or why but tried her best. Sadly she was as talented as Calinka - getting 30 cm down and jumping of in all kind of strange ways.... Well, I didnt give her the best opportunities either. Well continue training another day.
Two of the horsese got braids - the fly rugs is messing the mane up. Hopefullt braids help - they lack about half of the mane in thickness in some areas...Calinka has already lost all mane in that areas as she wore neck covers during the winter as well.
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