Att släppa ihop ston med en hingst känns som en större risk än vid ”ett vanligt” ihopsläpp. Särskilt i detta fall när jag inte vet hur länge sedan det var Pepper gick med andra hästar – hur bra pratar han överhuvudtaget hästspråk? Å andra sidan vill jag att mina hästar ska få gå med sällskap, att de inte ska vara ”dömda” att stå själva. Min första häst stod ensam i minst fem år (innan jag hade hand om henne) och jag vet vad det gjorde med hennes psyke.
Rent krast är det ju också enklare för mig om jag inte behöver hålla i sto och hingst vid betäckning, även om typen av skador mellan de olika tillvägagångssättet säkerligen skiljer sig. En bra hingst tycker jag även ska kunna gå med en stoflock, särskilt av den rasen jag har valt. Men visst, det kan finnas godtagbara undantag också.
Däremot var jag osäker vid mitt hoppsläpp – det fanns flera faktorer:
När gick Pepper med andra hästar?
Percy är inte betäckt sedan tidigare och en häst som jag uppfattar som väldigt mild – skulle hon våga säga ifrån?
När gick Pepper med andra hästar?
Percy är inte betäckt sedan tidigare och en häst som jag uppfattar som väldigt mild – skulle hon våga säga ifrån?
The bird have more action that the horses. |
Så, främsta anledningen att ta in Calinka i flocken handlade om gruppdynamiken, att det skulle bli en bra och trygg flock. Om det blir ett föl eller inte är en annan sak. Men, hade jag inte kunnat tänka mig att behålla en Calinka avkomma skulle jag ändå inte gjort detta – jag anser inte att man ska föda upp travarkorsningar för att sälja utan, om så sker, för eget bruk..
To release the mares together with a stallion seems as a higher risk than ”normal”. Especially in my case as I don’t know how long it was since Pepper was together with other horses – how well does he speak the horses language?. On the other side, I want my horses to be able to have company, not to be ”doomed” to be by themselves. My first horse was alone for at least five years (before I cared for her) and I know what that did for her.
Honestly, for me it is simpler if I don’t have to have both mare and stallion on leash for covering, even if both way can give injuries (maybe a bit of different kind). But, I think that a good stallion should be able to stay with his mares, especially from the breed that I have chosen. But of course – there is certainly exceptions to that as well.
But, even with all this I was insecure about the introduction, based on some things:
When did Pepper play with other horses?
Percy hasn’t been breed before and seems to be very mild – would she defend her self if she felt the need?
But, even with all this I was insecure about the introduction, based on some things:
When did Pepper play with other horses?
Percy hasn’t been breed before and seems to be very mild – would she defend her self if she felt the need?
I had thought about those things now and then since the horses arrival, and this is what I came up with: Calinka is the leader, and usually is even if she can move down if necessary. She also have a very clear body language and is a good leader. Last year I had her breed (by hand), but she didn’t get pregnant even if she had a foal many years before. But, I was told that she behaved very well in front of the stallion. I hadn’t planned to try one more time and she is not very young, but finally I thought that ti would be best if she meet Pepper first. She would probably deliver her thought very clear if he ever questioned her. Probably without hurting him much as she had never done that before with any horse. She would also behave well for breeding, if Pepper did likewise. With Calinka in the pasture I could also let Percy in as they are close friends. Calinka has previously shown that she can ”protect” her mare. And, most of all I wanted her there as she probably would keep the heard in a good balance. If it would be a foal or not would be another question. But, if I hadn’t liked to get a ”mini-Calinka” I would never have breed her anyway. In my opinion STB crosses shouldn’t be done for the market, just for your own ”needs”.
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