I övrigt är det semester så jag har varit borta några dagar och så har vi gäster ibland eller är bortbjudan själva. Inte helt fel det heller. Men det har tom fått bloggskrivande att ta det lite lungt. Och så har jag fått ett flygdatum för Bunny - troligen 22 augusti.
Right now it feels as I mostly work on the stable. I paint the shelter and try to make a feeding place and today I (finally) fixed a hole in the stable. Anyway, I did some dressage training with Calinka recently and yesterday all horses trained to walk over "the bridge" and tarp. We also did some side pass - thew hardest thing according to Percy and Pepper. We have to train some more on that.
Otherwise I have vacation now and have been away a few days and then we have had guest and have been invited to others. Not very bad, actually. :-) But it have gotten even the blog writing to take a little rest. Oh, and I got a flight date for Bunny, probably August 22.
Kul att äntligen får veta när hon kommer. Nu håller vi tummarna för att det datumet stämmer!
SvaraRaderaPrecis, men jag hoppas, har ju väntat på henne i snart ett år.