Jag målade även klart på stallet (JIPPIE!) och fick då denna bild på hästarna. Fråga mig inte varför de föredrog att äta halm när de har ens tor hage full med gräs... Nu ska vi bara göra en dörr till och lite trästaket kring stängslet kring boxen - och sedan får jag måla igen...
Except working Pepper yesterday I took Calinka for a short trail ride. She doubt that she ever have been in such a bad shape. We tried an old road that have been closed all summer and finally we could pass. Nice, it is going to be a good road to start to conditioning Calinka. She was really into start working again when she, after a while remembered how fun it is to run. She would have preferred to continue but I thought we should stick to the original plan and take it step by step.
I also finished painting the shelter (JIPPIE!) and got his picture. Don't ask me why the preferred to eat this while they have a huge pasture with grass...Now we are only going to make one more door and but some wood fence around the stall - then I can start painting again...
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