We want to work! |
..eller i alla fall en förkylning verkar det som. I torsdags eftermiddag däckades jag av förkylningen och trodde jag skulle bli lugn hela helgen men idag har jag varit halva dagen i stallet! Inga problem, jag som brukar bli så snuvig att det påminner om reklamfilmerna med mannen i ett kontor fyllt av näsdukar har knappt snutit mig och trött - nej inte direkt... Jag har till och med insett vad effektivt det skulle vara om jag tillbringade så här mycket tid i stallet dagligen: Jag skulle gå ner i vikt (inget fika) och öka i muskelmassa och så bara hälsoeffekten av att vara utomhus och röra på sig...
Please let us in and let us work! (I had brought Calinka in). |
Horses cures everything...or at least my cold. Thursday afternoon I got hit by the cold and thought that I would stay calm the rest of the week, but today I spent half of the day in the stable. It was no problems - I usually sneezes A LOT - but not this time. I even realized how efficient it would be if I spent most days like this. I should loos weight (less food) and gain more muscles and only think about how good it is to be outdoors and move around...
The reason that I could spend as much time in the stable is because my husband and son is away, but I had to get back home as all the persons that usually helps me with my horses also had other plans. Well, I am not complaining; that made it possible for me and Calinka to go with Sylvia for a two hours trail ride in the beautiful Autumn weather. After that Sylvia and I took a short trail ride with Percy and Bunny and after that I long reined Pepper. SAdly he is not 100%; when I asked for canter he got nervous and stressed. Something is not totally ok. But I got time to clean up a bit extra in the tack room and do small detals that I never seems to get time to do otherwise when someone is waiting at home. To get some time on your own can be very nice sometimes - and apparently even get rid of a cold.
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