Isac och jag var ensamma hemma i måndags, så mot hans vilja fick vi åka till stallet tillsammans. Väl där ville han mycket väl hjälpa till att flytta ut hösilagebalen och rida... Fast han skulle bara rida ner till ridbanan - sedan skulle mamma rida (så av med barnsadeln och upp med mig barbacka). Efter 5 minuter var han less och Calinka inte ett dugg genomarbetad. Efter 10 minuter sadlade jag åter Calinka och så fick Isac rida tillbaka till stallet. Han börjar kunna starta och stanna nu - om hästen är snäll och sammarbetsvillig vill säga...
Tisdagen var en motig dag - jag hade helst gått och lagt mig och absolut inte gått ut i kylan. Väl i stallet kom jag däremot igång och fick enerig av att tömköra Pepper som skötte sig exemplariskt. Dessutom har han börjat tölta för fullt igen. Jag hoppas att det bara inte betyder att han har ont någonstans utan att det är för att han plötsligt orkar det igen. För säkerhetsskull kommer han få gå med täcke ett tag så att han inte blir kall och kanske återfår den sträckning som jag tror han skaffat sig.
Percy gjorde sedan också ett kanon pass som tömkörd. Hon gillar verkligen det bettlösa tränset. Men när man vill att hon ska stå still uppskattas det inte... Bunny var oroligare än vanligt, men helt nöjd med att få träna på tömkörning inomhus. Det vill säga, jag band upp henne och testade försiktigt hur hon reagerade på syn och känselintrycket av "tömmar". Hon brydde sig inte det minsta! Självklart måste man vara försiktig när man gör något sådant så varken man själv eller hästen blir skrämd eller skadad. Bara jag får med mig någon en dag så får vi testa att tömköra på riktigt. Det kan passa bättre än ridning för ungstona och kommer att fungera även längre in i dräktigheten. Dessutom skulle vi kunna börja jobba dem mer för att köra in dem då.
Isac and I was home alone during Monday, and against his will we went to the stable.But, when in the stable he wanted to help feeding the horses and ride... But after 5 minutes he was tired and told me that I should ride (so I got rid of his saddle and got on the horse back bare back) After 5 more minutes he was tired and wanted me to quite but Calinka had just started to warm up. After 10 minutes I put the saddle back at Calinka and Isac rode back to the stable. He is starting to learn to start and stop now - if the horse is kind enough to cooperate...
Tuesday wasn't my best day - I had preferred to go to bed instead and not out in the cold. But when I got there I got energy by long reining Pepper that behaved perfectly. He has also started to gait again. I hope that doesn't mean that he is in pain, but that he has started to get the required strength. To be on the safe side I decided to put a rug on him - as I suspects that he has strained himself in the slippery ground.
Percy also worked very well while long reininge. She really likes the bitless bridle. But, she isn't a big fan of standing still... Bunny was more nervous that usually, but very content when I prepared her for long reining. I tied her in the stall and then let her se and feel the reins behind her back and on her body. She didn't care a bit! Of course, doing something like this one have to be careful not to injure neither horse nor human. Now she is ready to long rein for real if I only get someone to help me the first time. I think that long reining can be a good activity during pregnancy and can also be a preparation for driving a cart.
Isac and I was home alone during Monday, and against his will we went to the stable.But, when in the stable he wanted to help feeding the horses and ride... But after 5 minutes he was tired and told me that I should ride (so I got rid of his saddle and got on the horse back bare back) After 5 more minutes he was tired and wanted me to quite but Calinka had just started to warm up. After 10 minutes I put the saddle back at Calinka and Isac rode back to the stable. He is starting to learn to start and stop now - if the horse is kind enough to cooperate...
Tuesday wasn't my best day - I had preferred to go to bed instead and not out in the cold. But when I got there I got energy by long reining Pepper that behaved perfectly. He has also started to gait again. I hope that doesn't mean that he is in pain, but that he has started to get the required strength. To be on the safe side I decided to put a rug on him - as I suspects that he has strained himself in the slippery ground.
Percy also worked very well while long reininge. She really likes the bitless bridle. But, she isn't a big fan of standing still... Bunny was more nervous that usually, but very content when I prepared her for long reining. I tied her in the stall and then let her se and feel the reins behind her back and on her body. She didn't care a bit! Of course, doing something like this one have to be careful not to injure neither horse nor human. Now she is ready to long rein for real if I only get someone to help me the first time. I think that long reining can be a good activity during pregnancy and can also be a preparation for driving a cart.
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