Pepper var rastlös och till slut hittade jag en plätt där det gick att låta honom springa runt lite med tömkörningsutrustningen.

Mamma i familjen fick prova att tömköra en kort stund med Percy, sedan var lilltjejen för trött för att orka mer.
Angående medryttare; jag har hållit ögona öppna ett tag nu eftersom det känns som om främst Percy och Bunny skulle vilja göra mera än vad jag och Maria hinner med. Så, just nu råkade jag hitta några olika som verkade lovande så då blev det en helg då jag passade på att träffa dem. Så får vi se hur det blir; det är mycket som ska klaffa för att det ska fungera bra. Dels ska man fungera bra med hästarna, dels måste ägare och medryttare fungera bra ihop och ha lite liknande tankar. Dessutom ska man tycka att ridvägar, träningsmöjligheter, resväg till stallet och fungera...Jag tycket att jag pratade oavbrutet i flera timmar båda dagarna, och ändå knappt hade sagt något.

Pepper was restless and finally I found a spot where I could let him run around a bit with the long reining kit.
Sunday came with a new acquaintance, a family with a 2.5 year old daughter that missed horses. Also them thought to help with the horses. The little girl was overwhelmed by all horses so we started with letting her brush and then ride Bunny. Then her dad that rode a little while growing up tried Calinka. It worked well and Calinka even bent her neck a little, but when asked for trot she showed that she wasn't worked properly. Or, more like the surface hadn't been ok to work ok. A buck and jump, the muscles strained...No one fell of and when I run along side it didn't strained as much... The little girl wasn't very happy either - she wasn't the one in the saddle!
The mum in the family got to try to long rein Percy a short while - then the girl got to tired.
About help: I have kept my eyes open for some time as Maria and I thinks that Bunny and Percy would like to get some more attention. Now I found some people that sounded promising so they came and visited this weekend. Then we see how it turns out; it is always many things that have to work out. It have to work fine with the horses, it have to work fine with the owner of the horses and to have some common thoughts about horse keeping and training helps. Then trails, training possibility, end the way to the stable should work... I talked for hours both days, but it still feels as I hardly said anything.
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