Det börjar närma sig fölningstid och därmed också förberedelser inför den. Idag kom mitt "Birth Alarm". Det är ett larm som ska ringa upp min mobil när stoet lägger sig ner på sidan som de lär göra i det inledande värkarbetet. Det smidiga är att den tål att vara utomhus och kan fästas i grimman. Så nu är det bara att hoppas att den fungerar som tänkt....
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The suitcase with the alarm. Only have to get it to work.. |
It starting to come closer to foaling time and the preparations. Today my "Birth Alarm" arrived. It is an alarm that is supposed to call my cellphone when the mare lay down when the first contractions starts. The good thing is that it is outdoor proff and can be attached in the halter.. Let us only hope that it works as expected...
That I chose this alarm is because I can't sit by the pasture for 24 hours every day, in the workst case for weeks.A camer would be an alternative, but then I would need to check that every half hour at least, and prefferable every 15 minute. Besides it isn't easy to solve the problem to transmitt the pictures from the stable and to my home. But. maybe I get a camer as well, it would be good to check ont he mare when the birth alarm calls, to see if it is a "correct alarm". It would also be good to check on the foal every now and then when it is newborn, or if I later have a sick horse.
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