Måndagen och det var dags med gårdagens brister. Tömkörning av Pepper längsmed vägen, öppnor, slutor, skänkelvikning och tölt. Han blir allt bättre på att tölta längsmed vägen och så lugnt att jag kan gå med. Eftersom pannlampan är trasig var det skönt och lite mysigt med fullmånens sken. Turen tog längre tid än vad jag hade beräknat men väl tillbaka fick det bli ett dressyrpass på Calinka. Hon var så nöjd med att jag gjorde iordning henne – det är ett tag sedan jag pysslade med damen. Hon skötte sig väl på ridbanan – men visst tog det emot i kroppen och en del skut blev det. Nåja, hon blev allt finare ju längre tid jag red.

Sunday came with a beautiful weather, but instead of working the horses my family and I worked with the fence.
Monday and time to work the horses again. Pepper and I took of in the moonlight along the road, long reining. He really liked it, shoulder in, haunches in, sidepass and gait. He gets better and better at gaiting really sow – sometimes I can walk along and don’t need to run! We worked longer than I had planned, so it had to be a short dressage work with Calinka. She was so happy with me grooming and working her – it was some time since I did that. She behaved well – but her body didn’t cooperate and she had to tell me how bad she felt by bucking sometimes. Well, the warmer she got and the more soften up, the better it went and she didn’t need to fight her body.
Bunny is extra social and I check her every day. The foaling comes closer and closer and I only hope that she can wait a little longer and that the snow would disappear. She doesn’t feel totally ready yet (thanks goodness) and she is still with the other horses and I trust the alarm if I would be wrong. Bunny isn’t the horse that likes to be alone, so I try to minimize that time.
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