Väl hemma fick Pepper komma ut på tömkörningspromenad och Sandra tog Bunny och Mika på släp. Det blev öppna, sluta, skänkelvikning och tölt längsmed grusvägen. Sedan fick Pepper springa lite på fältet och Sandra ta över tömmarna en stund. En härlig dag!
The sun was shining and the winter showed its best side. SAndra brought CAlinka for a trail ride around the lake while I worked with the fence for a short while before saddle up Percy so we could head of to meet the others. Percy is such a pleasure and it was so beautiful. But today she moslty called for company. Well, at last they meet.
Back home we brought Pepper out for long reining. Bunny and Mika joined us as we walked along the road, doing sidepass, shoulder in, haunches in and gaited. Then Pepper got to run a little bit faster at the field and Sandra trained to learn more about long reining. A nice day!
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