Sedan hann jag även mocka lite i hagen och bara sitta ner och mysa en liten stund med Tea. Härligt! Skillnad också mot i måndags när tiden försvann och min kropp inte alls ville jobba några hästar. De värmde även mitt hjärta att se hur mycket Pepper och Calinka ville ha min uppmärksamhet.
Och så har jag sett till att försäkra Tea. De första 30 dagarna har hon viss veterinärvård på Bunnys försäkring (enligt mitt bolag), men det kändes lika bra att försäkra in henne med redan nu, det gick att göra från två dygns ålder.
Och så har jag sett till att försäkra Tea. De första 30 dagarna har hon viss veterinärvård på Bunnys försäkring (enligt mitt bolag), men det kändes lika bra att försäkra in henne med redan nu, det gick att göra från två dygns ålder.
A meeting that once more had been postponed so I got to the stable really early. Really enjoyed that. I patted the horses a bit and caught Pepper. Maria should have long reined him Tuesday, but then he didn’t want to be caught. Probably because it was very windy. Or there was some kind of joke as neither Percy not Calinka wanted to be caught either when Maria planned to switch horse. (And usually none of them is hard to catch). Pepper was very calm – I think he enjoys to have company in the pasture. Just before I was going to long rein him Sylvia (with the other Rockies) and friends of hers showed up to admire Tea. Earlier in the afternoon Nanette and Tora came by, by the same reason and the day before Maggan and Malin visited her. Fun!
Pepper worked nicely, but was low on energy. Calinka really wanted my attention so I brought her in, groomed her more than usual and gave her a massage. The she got long reined as well and was a bit stiff. She worked perfectly in many ways but didn’t give the last to get in a good frame. It seems to be the left hindleg that troubles her – she slipped some times while cantering on the left side and had trouble to get that leg under her in the same situation. Time will tell if some work helps her or if she needs the chiropractor. Maria got a bit of the same feeling when she lounged Calinka yesterday.
Pepper worked nicely, but was low on energy. Calinka really wanted my attention so I brought her in, groomed her more than usual and gave her a massage. The she got long reined as well and was a bit stiff. She worked perfectly in many ways but didn’t give the last to get in a good frame. It seems to be the left hindleg that troubles her – she slipped some times while cantering on the left side and had trouble to get that leg under her in the same situation. Time will tell if some work helps her or if she needs the chiropractor. Maria got a bit of the same feeling when she lounged Calinka yesterday.
I also got time to clean in the pasture a bit and to sit down and cuddle with Tea. Nice! Such a difference compared to Monday when time only escaped and my body didn’t want to do anything. It also warmed my heart to see how much both Pepper and Calinka wanted my attention.

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