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Bunny and Tea this morning. Bunny really likes the fresh grass. |
Så fort veterinärens telefontid började blev det ett samtal och med hjälp av tekniken fick han bild både på det som hängde ut och på efterbörden. Därmed konstaterade han att det nog trots allt var efterbörd men lovade att komma förbi under förmiddagen. Maria mötte upp och det var som han trodde så det blev rejält med antibiotika som hon ska fortsätta att få i några dagar. Troligen ska detta inte ge några men och hon kommer antagligen kunna betäckas om redan i sommar bara infektionen hävs. Bästa tänkbara förutsättningar alltså, ett tag var jag rädd både för hästens liv och fortsatta avelskarriär. Nu ska vi bara passa Tea så att hon inte blir för dålig i magen då hon riskerar att få diarré av antibiotikan.
Every morning since the birth I look after the horses and today everything seemed to be fine. But, by some reason I took a second look at Bunny – probably as Tea scratched herself against Bunny’s hindlegs.. The I saw something hanging out of the vulva. It mostly resembled the umbilical cord and it smelt pus and didn’t come out by an easy push. Maria and I was rather certain that all of the afterbirth came out – it was like a full bag, still attached with Tea with the umbilical cord when she was born. We open it to look that we had two horns and yes, there was.
As soon as the vet was available at the phone I got in contact with him. I could send him pictures of the thing hanging out from Bunny and the afterbirth and he already then thought that it was a part of the afterbirth. He promised to pass by during the morning and Maria meet him. It was as he expected and he could get rid of it and give her antibiotics. Probably this isn’t going to do her any harm and I can probably re-breed her this year if only the infection heals. The best possible outcome from the scenario. For sometime I thought it was the uterus hanging out and that both Bunny’s life and at least future breeding possibilities was lost. Now we just have to look extra carefully at tea as she might get diarrhea from drinking of Bunny s milk that is going to contain antibiotics.
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