måndag 30 september 2013

Pepper vet

Vissa dagar påminns jag om vilken otrolig häst Pepper är, hur klok och känslig. Idag skulle jag försöka rida då han blev ledsen över att jag inte gjorde det igår. Trots vaken David. Nåja, det var värt ett försök. Men, därav satte jag på all utrustning med bebis på armen.

Vissa gånger kan Pepper vara tråkig att tränsa, han kan både höja huvudet och han öppnar normalt inte munnen för mig. Idag gapade han så fort tränset kom nära (så han tog först in pannbandet i munnen...) och det var inga problem att få på tränset. En vända fick jag sitta på huk för att få fast bröstan vilket var lite knepigt med en hand. Mulen vilade då på mitt huvud. Tidigare hade han varit lite lekfull och smånaffsat, men inte då, när jag inte hade någon möjlighet att freda mig. En sådan häst!

(Och 5- 10 minuters ridning blev det i alla fall, innan David fick nog).

Pepper knows

Someday I get reminded what an incredible horse Pepper is, how clever and sensitive. Today I were trying to ride him as he got disappointed that I didn't yesterday. With David that wasn't asleep. well, worth a try. Therefore I tacked Pepper with a baby on my arm.

Sometimes Pepper can be "hard" to bridle, he can raise his head and don't open his mouth voluntarily. Today he opened his mouth as soon as the bridle got close (he first got the brow-band in his mouth...) and there was no problem with the bridle. When I had to get close to the floor to attach the breast collor it took some time as I only had one hand. At that moment he put his nose at my head. Earlier the same day he had been teasing me, trying to nip just a little. But not at that point, when he really had a good possibility. He is such a knowledgeable horse!

(And I got about 5-10 minutes in the saddle before David thought it was enough)


All my Rockies in one picture!
Veckan har rullat på, promenader för vissa, tömkörning,  ridturer och ytterligare ett försök med löshoppning. Avslutningsvis fick jag besök och visade upp hästarna - eller snarare lät besökaren fixa med hästarna.

The week

Last week moved away quickly : some got walked, some long reined, all got trail rides or dressage and I did one more try with jumping. The week ended with a visitor that got to meet the horses - and work them a bit.

Guest and her dog.

Besöks bilder

Här är bilder från Annika Holtz som var på besök i helgen. Alltid kul att få ta del av!

Pictures from Annika Holtz that visited this Sunday. Always fun to get!

lördag 28 september 2013

Ihopsläpp av fölen - bildbomb

First meeting. I let only the mares and foal out together at first.

When we left, everyone seemed happy and calm.
Hela sommaren har jag längtat efter denna dag: dagen då fölen skulle få leka med varandra. Det enda tråkiga är att nu kommer Calinka och Pepper få turas om att gå själva tills fölen vänjs av - då får de gå med Calinka.

Introducing the foals to each other

All summer I have waited for the day that the foals could play with each other. The only boring thing is that now Pepper and Calinka have to take turns to be alone until the foals are weaned. Then the foals is going to be with Calinka.

Pepper had to walk around all the pasture and sniff it out - seemed as he didn't care much about his mares.
Pepper and Percy hasn't been in the same pasture for some time and needed to talk a little again.
Bunny jumping around - enjoying life.
Someone can raise her tail

Not totally sharp, but I just loved her way of moving.
Bunny can move really nice when she want's to.

fredag 27 september 2013

Embla & Tea registrering

Nu finns de med i RMHAs pedigree database: Embla och Tea! Då hoppas jag att registreringspapperna dyker upp i brevlådan snart.

Now they are in RMHA's pedigree database; Embla and Tea! Then I guess the paperwork arrive by mail soon.



Embla bokad

Sedan en vecka är Embla bokad och handpenning betalad. Eftersom det ändå dröjer ett bra tag tills hon ska flytta till sitt nya hem får det bli en bättre uppdatering när det närmar sig. Jag har haft flera förfrågningar på henne, bland anant från Danmark, men hon verkar bli kvar i Sverige.

Since a week is Embla booked and a booking fee is payed. As it takes some time before she leaves for her new home I do more updates when it gets closer. I have some inquires for her, from Denmark for example, but it seems as she is staying in Sweden.

onsdag 25 september 2013


Nu när jag är hemma har jag passat på att göra lite nya saker till hästarna och mer planeras...

Now that I am at home I have been doing some things for the horses and more is planned...
Pretty boys look good in lilac - and it is a try to save his mane under the rugs. Calinka is getting one as well - but more of a hood...It is ready but I don't have any pictures yet.

The plan is that Percy is going to be ridden in only a strap around her neck - maybe this one can work?
I made this for riding from my backontrack back armer as I don't use stable rugs anymore when the horses is outdoors all the time. Previously Calinka wore it in the stable, now it might help her while exercising. 

tisdag 24 september 2013

Dagens bilder

Look at the reflections in the car...
Isac took this photo some days ago.