lördag 7 september 2013


Linda tried Percy a few laps in teh pasture while Embla was with Calinka in the stall.
Idag var Linda, en gammal kompis på besök med ett par av sina kompisar. Jag lät dem motionera hästarna åt mig medan jag passade David och Linda fick äntligen prova en Rocky. Själv tog jag ut Pepper och lät honom efter lite inledande dressyr galoppera minst en kilometer på stubbåkern bredvid. Han gillade det! Jag trodde vi skulle få jobba på bromsen, men det gick bra, även på hemväg. Dagen resulterade i mycket nöjda hästar där alla fått göra något.

Pepper needed a bath when we got back, look at how sweaty he is... he nearly dripped at some parts. (And happy, even if this pictures don't show that.)
Today an old friend, Linda, visited with a couple of her friends. I had them to work the horses while I cared for David and Linda finally got to try a Rocky. I worked Pepper in the end - having him to canter about a kilometer at a newly harvested field. He liked that! I thought we should have to work at the breaks, but he behaved well, even while turning back home. The result was happy horses - all had been worked in one way or another.
Calinka and Bunny walked ten minutes around the farm - first time Bunny was worked outside the pasture but she was very calm as she had a friend. Seems as she nearly forgets about her foal then. Tea instead had to wait in the stall, beside Pepper. As she did and seemed to have been pretty calm.

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